Portrait Paintings

by Sue Andrew

Sue will undertake commissions to produce portraits in pen and ink, acrylic or gouache.

Portrait of Mary Andrew pen and ink, 30.7 X 40.5 cm (54.0 x 64.5 cm) Price framed £800

The portrait of Mary Andrew was undertaken in pen and ink. It reflects the intellect and humanity of its subject.

sue andrew Self Portrait not for sale

This self-portrait in acrylic combines elements of cubism, surrealism and represenational form.

sue andrew Portrait of Artist When Younger not for sale

This red-chalk drawing depicts the artist when she was younger.

sue andrew Portrait of a Young Child not for sale

"Portrait of a Small Child" is a coloured drawing.

sue andrew Portrait of John Andrew coloured pencil drawing, 18.0 x 28.0 cm (33.0 x 43.0) Price framed £250

The portrait of John Andrew is another coloured drawing. It reflects the subject's combination of good humour and intellect that continued into old age.

sue andrew